
Reasons for Corrective Jaw Surgery

Corrective jaw surgery can be used to treat a number of common concerns, including overbites, underbites, crossbites, and even sleep apnea. In addition, Dr. Andrew R. Glenn can also use his surgical skill to eliminate painful symptoms caused by temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder, bruxism (teeth grinding), and tooth erosion. If you are unsure whether or not oral surgery is right for you, Dr. Glenn can explain the reasons for corrective jaw surgery in detail during a consultation at our Lincoln, NE, practice. Reach out to our friendly staff today to schedule your appointment.

Correcting Malocclusion and Bite Imbalance

Jaw surgery is most often performed on patients with improperly aligned teeth or jaws. More specifically, corrective jaw surgery can be used to treat:

  • Overbite: An upper jaw that protrudes beyond the lower jaw
  • Underbite: A lower jaw that protrudes beyond the upper jaw
  • Crossbite: Upper and lower jaws that are both misaligned
  • Open Bite: Certain teeth that do not make physical contact with opposing teeth
  • Improper Bite Symmetry: Excessive force on one side of the jaw

If an orthodontic treatment has been unsuccessful at correcting any of these issues, or if you suffer from severe misalignment, oral surgery can offer a highly effective solution.

The Benefits of a Balanced Bite

Corrective jaw surgery can provide a range of long-lasting benefits and greatly improve your quality of life. When your upper or lower jaw is not properly aligned, certain teeth can come under a great deal of pressure and become damaged over time. Malocclusion can also put excessive strain on your jaw joints and increase your risk for developing TMJ disorder, which can result in facial pain, jaw stiffness, chronic headaches, and impaired oral function. By turning to Dr. Glenn for corrective jaw surgery, you can avoid these concerns and more. Finally, if an overbite or underbite is detracting from your appearance, corrective jaw surgery can bring balance to your facial contours and boost your self-confidence.

Treating Sleep Apnea

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a condition that affects the lives of millions of Americans. This sleep disorder occurs when a patient’s airway becomes blocked during sleep, causing breathing to be repeatedly interrupted. In cases where OSA is caused by improper jaw alignment, corrective jaw surgery can effectively treat the condition. During surgery to treat OSA, Dr. Glenn will reposition both the upper and lower jaw in order to tighten the soft palate and help airways to remain open, allowing the patient to enjoy a full night’s rest.

Schedule a Consultation with Dr. Glenn Today

If you suffer from malocclusion or sleep apnea, and more conservative treatments have not been effective in the past, you may be a good candidate for corrective jaw surgery. By trusting your care to Dr. Glenn, you can enjoy improved oral function, reduced discomfort, and an enhanced appearance. Additionally, our entire team is committed to treating patients as individuals in order to create a personalized and seamless experience. Contact our practice today to schedule a consultation and learn more.